Applied Business (Entrepreneurship) (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Business | Online/Distance | 3 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom

The online Applied Business (Entrepreneurship) BA (Hons) programme is specifically designed for students with the passion and ambition to start their own venture, or further develop a venture with which they are already associated. The programme provides a broad foundation of business skills tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs and business leaders who have a desire to create a better future through outstanding business leadership whether that be as an entrepreneur, senior executive or social entrepreneur. As students work their way through a unique learning experience that includes tailored learning activities and exclusive video content standing on the shoulders of hundreds of the world’s most successful and inspiring leaders, from Presidents and Prime Ministers to Nobel Prize winners and leading academics, students will be supported in the development of their business acumen.

Applied Business (Entrepreneurship) (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Business | Online/Distance | 3 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom

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