Applied Drama: Education, Wellbeing, Community (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 3 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom
Why choose BA Applied Drama at UWTSD?
Small class sizes
Skilled and experienced lecturers
Strong industry links in Wales and the UK
Working in non-traditional theatre settings
Strong focus on your career
Final year projects tailored to your interests and skills
The chance to study abroad
Year 1 - Challenge - you will develop your performance skills through play, voice and body and digital arts. An introduction to Applied Drama will challenge you to consider the power of drama to change lives as you participate and develop your own Theatre of the Oppressed workshops
Year 2 - Explore - You will learn facilitation skills whilst exploring drama in different settings, such as schools and health and wellbeing. You will form a company to devise and tour your performance to a targeted audience outside of the University
Year 3 - Create - You have the opportunity to work with arts organisations, theatre groups and schools. You really start to focus on your own skills and interests as you develop your projects and performances to take out into the community. Every year you will attend shows and events, have the opportunity to work with visiting theatre-makers and applied practitioners. We encourage you to build your professional networks by taking volunteer positions and work experience opportunities through our many links and partnerships in South Wales and beyond.