Applied Psychology (BSc) | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom

The BSc Applied Psychology programme (accredited by the British Psychological Society) explores multiple perspectives to psychological issues, recognising that psychology involves a range of research methods, theories, evidence and applications. You will examine patterns in behaviour, both normal and abnormal, across the lifespan. In your first and second year, there will be opportunities to carry out and participate in empirical studies involving a variety of research methods which will prepare you for your final year dissertation. The course also provides you with a placement opportunity at level five, which allows you to see psychology in practice, and provides valuable work-based, transferable skills. This BPS accredited programme aims to offer students the opportunity to study issues and concerns relevant to Psychology in the 21st century and apply psychological evidence and theories to real-world situations. Psychology is a fascinating discipline to study. Human beings, for the most part, are intrigued by other human beings; their thoughts and their behaviour. Our daily lives involve countless questions - Why? How? What? When? While anecdotal snippets, folklore and proverbs appear to throw some light upon why people do what they do, psychology seeks to use the rigours of science to explain human behaviour.

Applied Psychology (BSc) | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom

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