Classical Civilisation (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom

This scheme allows you to study a wide range of modules covering not only fascinating historical figures like the Athenian statesmen Pericles, well-known military leaders like Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar, as well as historical "boogy-men" like the Emperor Nero – but also the great literary output of these worlds – the Homeric epics, the tragedies, Cicero – as well as basic aspects of everyday life, such as the role of women, religion, warfare and the economy. In the first year, modules can be taken on a wide range of literary, mythological and historical topics; in the second and third years, we offer specialised modules on all aspects of the Graeco-Roman world so that you can gain in-depth knowledge in areas of particular interest to you. We are proud of the wide range of assessment methods used on the course, such as presentations, gobbets, and research plans so that the assessment reflects the student’s performance as a whole. Students are also given the opportunity to participate in the wider research community and are always welcome to attend our monthly research seminar series, which feature speakers from around the world. Studying Classical Civilisation with us means research-led teaching and research-active learning in an environment that allows for both full use of the virtual world and the personal approach of expert tuition.

Classical Civilisation (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom

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