Conflict and War (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom

This specialised course combines the history, philosophy and ethics of war. The degree is wide-ranging in its scope and will include studies drawn from the ancient world, the medieval, early modern and modern periods and across a broad range of subjects. The Conflict and War programme introduces students to the history of warfare from the ancient world all the way through to the modern period. It considers the nature of warfare, the ethics and morality of killing, the literature of war and theories of war and strategy. The degree is an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of an exciting subject through specialist modules and independent research, where you can further explore conflict according to your own personal interests.

Conflict and War (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom

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