Early Years Education and Care (2 Years) (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Teaching & Education | On Campus | 2 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom

Early Years Education and Care (2 Years) is designed for students already working in the childcare and education sector and offers the opportunity to study flexibly around work commitments. Lectures are delivered in the evening, and on occasional Saturdays, in order to enable students to carry on working while completing their degree. On this course, you will develop your understanding of the practice and theory of early years education and care, giving you a full and rounded understanding of the subject. The program provides opportunities to link practical activities and experiences in the work environment to theories relating to children’s education and care. Learning takes place through group discussions, workshops and study visits, as well as lectures, in order to develop a knowledge and understanding of a range of relevant topics. There is an emphasis on hands-on learning in order to support understanding of the links between theory and practice within the early years. There are also optional residential visits to other parts of the UK and abroad.

Early Years Education and Care (2 Years) (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Teaching & Education | On Campus | 2 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom

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