Education Studies: Contemporary Learners & Learning (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Teaching & Education | On Campus | 3 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom

This pathway of the BA (Hons) Education Studies program will allow you to study a range of key issues relevant to educational theory and practice within modern British society. The degree has a strong emphasis on how learning can be supported and developed within a range of educational environments. The specific modules relevant to the Contemporary Learners and Learning pathway will then provide you with further detailed insight into how learners can be supported and developed within a wide range of educational environments. It will provide you with both the theoretical understanding and the practical skills to enable you to apply your studies to a wide range of potential careers such as teaching and educational support.

Education Studies: Contemporary Learners & Learning (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Teaching & Education | On Campus | 3 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom

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