Events and International Festivals Management (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Tourism & Hospitality | On Campus | 3 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom

Events and Festivals have become a prevalent force for economic and socio-cultural development strategies for cities and destinations as well as a means to enhance business goals, resulting in a continual need for events graduates who understand the structure and functions of the industry including the importance of hospitality and guest service. This will be supported by a strong focus on management learning and the role of marketing and social media within the events sector. As the program develops students will focus on applying academic theories to real-life events case studies. This will include planning and managing live events as well as developing operational management knowledge and understanding both in the classroom and through behind the scenes events visits, paid events management placements and a range of volunteering opportunities.

Events and International Festivals Management (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Tourism & Hospitality | On Campus | 3 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom

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