Fine Art: Studio Site and Context (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 3 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom

Our Fine Art degree course at Swansea College of Art UWTSD has an established reputation of excellence in the visual arts. Our course gives you access to your own dedicated studio space, as well as a range of excellent sculptural based facilities, including kilns, plaster and resin rooms, water jet cutter plus lens based support amongst other 3D technical areas. You are taught by internationally practising and recognised artists, which draws the professional world closer to your educational experience. This ensures that our course enjoys an excellent working relationship with local and national galleries and museums where there are opportunities to participate in residencies, internships and training and mentoring activities to help develop your career.

Fine Art: Studio Site and Context (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 3 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom

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