History (BA) | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom
The History program at UWTSD allows students to explore many different political, social, economic, military and cultural aspects of history. It combines a study of change over time in broad sweeping survey modules introducing key aspects of the medieval and modern world, with more focused modules on topics such as Norman society and Crusades, the First World War and 1980s Britain.
Each module is delivered in small groups and with a hands-on, immersive approach. The teaching is research-led, rooted in the professional interests and expertise of the lecturers. Students will encounter multiple approaches to and source materials for understanding the past, with a particular focus on utilising the onsite archive of manuscript and printed primary sources. This results in a rounded and comprehensive program of study which grounds students in the requisite theories, methodologies and practices of the discipline of history.