Sport and Exercise Science (BSc) | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 3 years | University of Wales Trinity Saint David | United Kingdom
Our Sport and Exercise Science courses are aimed at those with an interest in sport, health and physical activity who wish to deepen their understanding of the functioning of the human body.
Our portfolio of Sport and Exercise Science degrees allows students to specialise in certain areas or remain on a generic pathway, according to their aspirations.
After a common first year, students can choose to either remain on the generic pathway or choose to specialise in Sports Nutrition.
The first year of study is generic across the portfolio of Sport and Exercise Science degree pathways, and gives all students a grounding in the main principles of the subject area, along with the time to decide if they want to specialise in a particular pathway.
The three core subjects of physiology, psychology and biomechanics form the foundations, with delivery comprising of a combination of theoretical lectures followed by an opportunity to apply that knowledge practically in our well-equipped sports science laboratories.
Students will develop the hands-on skills required to use equipment such as gas analysers, light gates, force platforms, motion analysis software, and body composition analysers.
Alongside the core subjects, the first year gives students the opportunity to study the principles of training and exercise, and to gain vocational awards as Gym Instructors and Personal Trainers alongside their studies, if they wish.