Cyber Security | Bachelor's degree | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 3 years | University of Warwick | United Kingdom
Cyber space comprises all the interactions with all the networks of digital devices used to store, modify and communicate information, across all time. It is global in reach and vast in scale, extending far beyond the Internet. Its interactions are with people, with the physical environment, and with other digital devices. It is a pervasive enabler in modern society. Most things are possible; not all are desirable; context is everything.
You will learn how to construct robust software. You will learn how to store data over time and communicate it over distance. You will learn how computer systems are organised. You will learn the capabilities of cryptographic techniques. You will learn the processes and procedures that provide assurance that things are as they should be. And you will learn the mindset, tools and techniques to discover the shortcomings of cyber systems, duly constrained by ethics and the law.