Archaeology | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 6 years | University of Winchester | United Kingdom

Modules aim to communicate a narrative of significant events and historic sites, encouraging you to evaluate Archaeological information and critically assess its value to our understanding of the past. In the first academic year, you examine the theory and practice of Archaeology; historic and prehistoric periods; and the methods, theories and approaches that underpin Archaeological discipline. In the second academic year, you may choose to focus your study on a range of methodological topics, while also studying the Archaeology of one or more European Archaeological periods. During the third academic year, you may focus your studies on topics, periods or themes from previous years or broaden your studies to examine the Archaeology of the Mediterranean, the Americas, Africa and Anatolia/the Near East. You also carry out an independent piece of research, the dissertation, on a subject of your choice. The Department of Archaeology at the University of Winchester is a Registered Organisation with the Chartered Institute for archaeologists (CIfA). You can become Affiliates of the CIfA. After graduation you can build up field experience to progress to full membership categories. As part of the course, there are opportunities for you to visit Archaeological sites and get involved in departmental research, which also allows you to work in new laboratories and use a range of specialist surveying equipment.You undertake fieldwork throughout the course, and during the second and third academic years can attend two periods of summer excavation. You are required to attend the summer training excavation for four weeks during the first summer vacation and should ensure you have accommodation available during late May and June.

Archaeology | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 6 years | University of Winchester | United Kingdom

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