Choreography & Dance | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 3 years | University of Winchester | United Kingdom

Throughout the programme you integrate critical, creative and physical approaches to develop strong choreographic and performance skills. A range of analytical and theoretical frameworks overarch a reflective practice of dance. You are encouraged to work both independently and collaboratively in order to facilitate and produce performances with a clear artistic vision. Regular technique classes allow you to build physical skills through diverse training approaches including Graham, Cunningham, Limon, Jazz, Release, Somatic Practices, and Improvisation. In the first academic year, you are introduced to choreography and performance, and to the wider interdisciplinary artistic, cultural, social and historical contexts which underpin the study and practice of dance. You work with music and with the body as a source of creativity. You are encouraged to view performances of professional dance work, supported by visits from established dance companies and practising artists. In the second academic year, you extend your choreographic skills to explore collaborative processes through site, screen and broader interdisciplinary perspectives, expanding and refining your ideas about dance performance. A range of specialist performance practices are available to study as optional modules. In the final academic year, you work towards either a Collaborative Project or an Extended Independent Study Project. The latter may take the form of a self-choreofraphed or directed performance, an investigation of movement, choreography, technology, performance or facilitation or a written dissertation. This work is supported by a range of theoretical and practical classes and placements through which you explore current aspects and features of the contemporary field. You create and perform your own works on campus, in local theatres and at other venues. You also have the opportunity to engage with professional dance practice and performance via visiting artist teachers. The programme has stro

Choreography & Dance | Bachelor's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 3 years | University of Winchester | United Kingdom

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