BSc (Hons) Midwifery | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | Blended Learning | 3 years | University of Worcester | United Kingdom

The BSc Midwifery at the University of Worcester is a highly evaluated, successful program which provides excellent teaching and clinical practice experiences. Midwives enjoy the unique privilege of a career caring for mother, their babies and the whole family. At Worcester, you will not only gain the skills and experience needed to become a confident, competent and caring midwife, you will also develop the intellectual tools to help you shape the future direction of the profession by generating new ideas and evaluating innovative ways of working. The teaching team is dedicated to supporting students and constantly strive to further their academic careers thereby maintaining excellence in their field. Students consistently receive positive feedback on performance and professional conduct from women and their families. Student satisfaction was recorded at 100% in the 2020 NSS Survey.

BSc (Hons) Midwifery | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | Blended Learning | 3 years | University of Worcester | United Kingdom

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