Bachelor in Biotechnology | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 6 semesters | University of Wroclaw | Poland
The bachelor in biotechnology program aims to equip students with the following skills and knowledge:
Basic knowledge of the molecular basis of biological phenomena and processes through learning mathematics, statistics, chemistry, physics, as well as molecular biology, genetics, microbiology, biology of the cell and biotechnology
Acquisition of deeper knowledge in the biochemistry of proteins, carbohydrates and lipid compounds, their structures and functions, as well as their metabolisms
The skills to use various experimental techniques required for employment in the biotechnological industry, as well as various types of laboratories (analytical, research or industrial)
Understanding of computer and language tools, their application for collection, analysis and presentation of data during professional work
Preparing the student to conduct an independent or collaborative research practice, to discuss results, to formulate statements, and write reports