Kick Start Your Career: Academic Skills During and After Grad School | Summer / Short course | General Studies | Online/Distance | 10 days | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands

“What will I ever use this degree for?” Surviving university is no easy task! Many students panic when they finish their studies because they are not aware of how the countless hours they spent writing papers, taking exams, and giving presentations—sometimes to the point of exhaustion and even burnout—will add up to a paying job and fulfilling career. During university the focus is often on learning about specific topics in your discipline, but not necessarily what to do with this information in the real world. Some of the most sought after and marketable skills are learned in university, yet few students realize just how many transferable skills they are acquiring along the way that are highly desired by employers. This course will explore how to make the most out of your time in university and understand the valuable skillset you have been provided with that can land you a job. The goal is to help identify these transferable skills, and how to put them into practice in order to gain the most out of your degree. Understanding your options, potential, motivations, and ideologies can help you find a career that is well suited to you.

Kick Start Your Career: Academic Skills During and After Grad School | Summer / Short course | General Studies | Online/Distance | 10 days | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands

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