Operations Research: A Mathematical Way to Optimize Your World | Summer / Short course | Science | On Campus | 14 days | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands

Nowadays, everyone is talking about the tremendous opportunities offered by “big data” and all kinds of analytics. To really make the difference, though, you need to be able to turn data and analytical insights into better managerial decisions – and that requires rigorous quantitative tools. This course delivers those tools, introducing you to the most successful models and algorithms from operations research (OR), including (integer) linear optimization, network optimization, stochastic optimization and heuristics. Not only do you learn some of the beautiful but basic mathematics behind them, but during computer practicals you gain hands-on experience with up-to-date software applied to practical cases in such domains as logistics and revenue management. The course will enable you to recognize and exploit opportunities for mathematically supported decision making and can help prepare you for an MSc in Operations Research.

Operations Research: A Mathematical Way to Optimize Your World | Summer / Short course | Science | On Campus | 14 days | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands

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