East Asia Region Studies | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 2 years | Vytautas Magnus University | Lithuania

"The Asian century is set to begin" - declared Financial Times in 2019 by crunching statistical data and summarizing research done by leading political scientists and economists. With this world-changing trend in mind, VMU launched the Master's degree programme of East Asia Region Studies (EARS) in 2007 making it the first and only graduate programme in the Baltic States that is taught in English and focused on East Asian contemporary politics and society.In addition to providing core knowledge about modern political, economic and social developments of East Asian countries, i.e. Korea, Japan and China, the programme also creates an encouraging environment for students to design their own study plan according to their research ambitions. As a result, students can further expand their knowledge in region's History, languages, culture or other fields. In addition, motivated students have a possibility to study at least one semester abroad not only in other European countries but also at one of many VMU's partner universities in East Asia.

East Asia Region Studies | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 2 years | Vytautas Magnus University | Lithuania

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