National Certificate in Teaching English for Academic Purposes | Diploma / certificate | Teaching & Education | On Campus | 2 weeks | Xian Jiaotong Liverpool University | China

The Certificate in Teaching English for Academic Purposes has been created by Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University to advance the very best practice in EAP in higher education in China and beyond. It is the only qualification of its type in China and is designed for employers to recognise a teacher's excellence in the field. It is a practical certificate that will have a direct impact on a teacher's understanding of EAP and their classroom practice. The CTEAP is not just a training course but is a transformative experience, which encourages teachers to think of themselves and their work differently and to position themselves differently within their places of work.

National Certificate in Teaching English for Academic Purposes | Diploma / certificate | Teaching & Education | On Campus | 2 weeks | Xian Jiaotong Liverpool University | China

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