Applied Statistics | Master's degree | Science | On Campus | 2.5 years | Zhejiang University of Science and Technology | China

The master degree graduate students of applied statistics” project offers a solid foundation for theoretical statistics, providing extensive education in the field of applied statistics, and providing big data analysis and practical projects. Graduates are employed in the whole world, involving fields, including all sectors of society, economic and financial industry, government and business management, social investigation and analysis, and statistical analysis of all kinds of big data. The master of applied statistics is designed for those interested in business, industry, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, enterprise, government, or scientific research. The master of applied statistics requires that students must be an undergraduate degree. The professional background is inclined to recruit students in the fields of statistics, mathematics, engineering, physics, economics, finance, management, computer science, and so on. In the premise course, students should learn the following four courses: the minimum mathematics background, the two semester calculus, a calculus course based on non calculus, and a matrix algebra.

Applied Statistics | Master's degree | Science | On Campus | 2.5 years | Zhejiang University of Science and Technology | China

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