Chinese Language and Literature (Business Chinese) | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | 4 years | Zhejiang University of Science and Technology | China

This major is oriented to those international students with high school graduation certificate or higher degree whose mother tongue is not Chinese. The undergraduate program of Business Chinese major attaches equal importance to knowledge, capabilities and qualities with the core courses of Chinese language course, business course, and course of Chinese society & culture. Courses are tailored to cultivating inter-disciplinary and applied talents as required in modern society with capabilities as follows: Chinese language listening, speaking, reading and writing; being familiar with the basic theory and practice of modern business affairs; knowing well the developments of Chinese culture, contemporary economy and society; being able to make business deals with fluent Chinese language under intercultural background.

Chinese Language and Literature (Business Chinese) | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | 4 years | Zhejiang University of Science and Technology | China

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