Hairdressing Management | Foundation / Pathway program | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 2 years | Bury College | United Kingdom

This course is for stylists or managers currently working or planning the next stage of their education and training in the hairdressing industry. You will learn current industry techniques or develop those that you have already been introduced to at a lower level and you will also build a strong foundation in the theories and background knowledge of the profession. An important feature of the course is the opportunity to develop your skills, knowledge and experience of management, leading people and making effective business decisions thus increasing salon revenue. Throughout your studies you will be offered support in the development of relevant study skills such as academic, ICT, independent learning, communication and time management. The teaching and learning strategies typically used by tutors on the course include lectures, seminars, practical workshops and tutorial. You will also be expected to undertake a significant amount of independent study. ​

Hairdressing Management | Foundation / Pathway program | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 2 years | Bury College | United Kingdom

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