Clinical Psychology | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | California State University, Dominguez Hills | USA

Our program provides students with a solid academic background by giving them an opportunity to complete advanced coursework and further develop their research skills by working closely with a faculty mentor on a research project or thesis. A wide variety of practicum sites are available for students to learn about direct service provision to clients, employees, and patients. The MA Psychology program is designed for students who want to strengthen their academic record in preparation for applying to doctoral programs. Others choose to begin careers in industry, mental health, community agency and education settings. The Clinical Psychology option is designed to meet the professional needs of college graduates who plan careers in community mental health or who are already employed as paraprofessionals and desire to further their education and opportunities for advancement. The student is offered a unique opportunity to obtain solid academic knowledge of clinical psychology coupled with extensive research and supervised experience in the application of such knowledge.

Clinical Psychology | Master's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | California State University, Dominguez Hills | USA

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