Community Health | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | California State University, Dominguez Hills | USA

Health Science offers a variety of programs including a major with different options leading to the Bachelor of Science in Health Science. The Community Health Option is designed to provide students with the necessary skills and perspectives to function as effective community health workers and educators in an urban population that is diverse ethnically, economically and demographically. Students will gain knowledge and understanding of health behavior and strategies for change, health disparities among diverse populations, and the development of programs that increase access to healthcare and related services. A student in this option will acquire oral and written communication skills needed to develop health education materials and gain a basic understanding of public health problems and methods commonly used in studying and addressing these problems. Registered nurses and allied health care workers will be able to serve their patients more effectively by becoming knowledgeable about community health service agencies and public health policy at all levels of government. Upon completion of the Community Health Option, students will qualify to take the national certified Health education Specialist (CHES) examination.

Community Health | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | California State University, Dominguez Hills | USA

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