English - Language and Linguistics | Language course | Languages | On Campus | California State University, Dominguez Hills | USA

As a major, English offers a varied and soundly based program that unifies the study of composition, language, and literature. It prepares the student for a career in business, communications media, teaching, and for advanced study in graduate and professional schools. It is truly a versatile major. Within the English major, students may concentrate their programs of study in either literature or in language and linguistics. Our programs seek to develop skills applicable not only to all professional disciplines but also to significant tasks of life: the ability to read perceptively, write effectively and think critically. The senior seminar, English 490: Seminar in Literature, offers an integrative experience in which students work not only toward the fullest development of their skills as readers, writers and thinkers, but also toward their development as professional scholars. Both undergraduate and graduate programs are offered during the day and in the evenings so that students may expect to complete the master of arts or the undergraduate major by attending either day or evening classes exclusively.

English - Language and Linguistics | Language course | Languages | On Campus | California State University, Dominguez Hills | USA

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