General Anthropology | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | California State University, Dominguez Hills | USA

The Department of Anthropology offers undergraduate students course work in the five anthropological subdisciplines: Ethnology, Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Applied Anthropology and Anthropological Linguistics. In addition, courses focus on contemporary disciplinary research, area studies and societal applications of anthropological knowledge. By majoring or minoring in Anthropology, a student gains a better understanding of people’s behavior within cultural settings. Anthropology studies the varied nature of human experience in American society and in the cultures of the world. Through this study of people, their lifestyles and how they adapt to cultural change, both present and past, a student is better prepared to comprehend human behavior. What distinguishes anthropology from other disciplines concerned with people is its holistic perspective or encompassing view, and its central concern with the concept of culture. The Minor in Anthropology complements a major in other disciplines and professional programs such as biology, health sciences, art, communications, history, philosophy and the other behavioral sciences. Students have the opportunity to develop a focused minor in consultation with an advisor in specialized areas such as medical anthropology, New World cultures, physical anthropology, cognitive anthropology, etc.

General Anthropology | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | California State University, Dominguez Hills | USA

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