Applied Exercise and Health Science (Taught) | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 1 year | Canterbury Christ Church University | United Kingdom

The MSc in Applied Exercise and Health Science builds on expertise at Canterbury Christ Church University to deliver a programme of academic and practical study. Drawing upon cross ­School, Faculty, and University expertise, as well as our industry links, the programme aims to produce graduates with a detailed academic knowledge, which is supported by an advanced practical skill set that has the potential to expand employment opportunities within the industry. The MSc is set in the context of the current health climate, where there is an emphasis on the need to develop quality health services for all ages across the health and social sector. Poor lifestyle habits including physical inactivity are associated with the prevalence of certain chronic diseases and this programme aims to develop graduates who can critique current thinking in these areas, and through advanced scholarship develop ideas to progress this field. The technical skill sets that are required in this field will also be fully explored by you on the programme. The technical and practical work should be viewed on the programme as part of an advanced academic experience, developing the abilities to plan, collect, analyse and interpret advanced data in this field.

Applied Exercise and Health Science (Taught) | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 1 year | Canterbury Christ Church University | United Kingdom

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