Applied Environmental Geology (Taught) | Master's degree | Science | On Campus | 1 year | Cardiff University | United Kingdom
Professional geologists working in consultancies, regulatory authorities and government environmental agencies are required to apply a wide range of transferrable skills to their jobs. Candidates who are able to demonstrate skills in public engagement, communication, professional research and report-writing, in addition to academic knowledge and field skills, are therefore highly sought after in these professions.
This full-time MSc Applied Environmental Geology is part taught and part professional project. We aim to develop your transferrable skills in a professional context and give you a head start in the geology profession of your choice or starting a PhD.
Distinctive features
Our location in South Wales provides us with a wide range of highly relevant geoenvironmental and geotechnical locations, which we visit during fieldtrips and use in case studies.
Embed your skills in professional practice through a five month professional project, usually as part of a placement.
Strong links with industry and government agencies ensure the quality and relevance of the course, and give you the opportunity to make contacts.
Fully integrated with the professional development (CPD) lecture programme of the Southern Wales Group of the Geological Society of London.