Architectural Engineering (Year in Industry) (MEng) | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 5 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

The creation of buildings is a complex operation that requires the skills of many disciplines. Our BEng Architectural Engineering degree aims to provide you with an in-depth understanding of civil engineering with a specific focus on structural engineering and the built environment. This course brings together the precision of engineering with the creativity of building design, with an emphasis on environmental factors. This course includes the opportunity to take a year of industrial placement between your second and third years of academic study. With this option we will support you in finding a placement that will allow you to experience at first- hand, a professional working environment. If you are successful in securing a placement you will be paid a salary and will enhance your employability skills through direct experience of working in business, industry or the public sector. On the academic side you will develop a thorough understanding of theory, backed up by practical application through laboratory and research work, field trips and design classes. All of our civil engineering related degrees are fully accredited by the Institutions of Civil and Structural Engineers. In your professional development as an engineer, the BEng degree satisfies the educational requirements to become an Incorporated Engineer (IEng), and partially satisfies the requirements to become a Chartered Engineer (CEng). Note that if Chartered status is important to you, a four-year Cardiff MEng course may offer a quicker, more direct route. Other Cardiff University Architectural Engineering courses available include: the opportunity to satisfy the full educational requirements to become a Chartered Engineer if you choose a MEng course the opportunity to follow a sandwich year in industry if you choose the relevant four-year BEng or five-year MEng degree option the opportunity to study abroad at a partner institution for one semester if you choose the relevant MEng (International)

Architectural Engineering (Year in Industry) (MEng) | Bachelor's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 5 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

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