Banking and Finance with a European Language (French) | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 4 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

The Banking and Finance degree is of particular interest to those wishing to enter the financial sector. It will provide you with the opportunity to acquire specialist economic knowledge of the operation of the monetary and financial sectors. In addition to providing you with training relevant to the practice of banking and other financial careers, it also provides exemptions from certain examinations of the Chartered Institute of Bankers. France is a major actor on the European and world stage and possesses a rich and sophisticated culture. Its language is more important today than it has ever been. The French component of this course will enable you to develop your writing skills through a range of exercises including resumes and essays while your oral and aural skills can be practised through a varied pool of audio-video material, websites, films and computer programme. Distinctive Features Distinctive features of the course include: Economic principles with an emphasis on issues relating to Banking and Finance; The central role of year two core modules of Macroeconomics, Microeconomics and Introductory Econometrics implicit to the Banking and Finance degree course; The use of simulated financial trading to understand the behaviour of financial trading markets in the context of different micro financial structures; Core specialist modules of Money, Banking and Finance (year two) and Economics of Banking, Financial Economics, and International Finance (year three) that explicitly define the degree; A study year abroad in France or a French-speaking country.

Banking and Finance with a European Language (French) | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 4 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

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