Business Management with a European Language (French) | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 4 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

The four-year degree in Business Management with French combines the main elements (modules and teaching) of the business management programme with the study of French language and culture. The first year provides the core building blocks of management and business subjects, together with one module in French. Year two develops from this base, giving equal weighting to the business and language subjects. You will continue to focus on core Business Management modules, whilst the language component concentrates on expression, translation and business language, providing the ideal preparation for the third year which is spent abroad. Here, you will be taught level two Business Management in French. In your fourth year (having returned to Cardiff) the business and management content of the degree will be extended with a number of core and, together with one module which maintains the language input. France is a major actor on the European and world stage, possessing a rich and sophisticated culture. French is one of the official working languages of the European community and still a global language of culture and diplomacy. Each school involved in delivering the degree offers a challenging course of modules, supported by a friendly atmosphere and excellent staff-student relationships. Overall, the degree of Business Management with French prepares you for a career in international business with an ability to work in French as well as in English. Distinctive Features The opportunity to study in a School that was ranked 6th in the UK for research quality and joint 1st for research environment in the 2014 Research Excellent Framework (REF) The involvement of research-active staff in teaching The emphasis on independent learning in a research-led environment The variety of modules on offer in a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary School Progression through core and specialist option modules Study abroad year in France or a French-speaking country

Business Management with a European Language (French) | Bachelor's degree | Business | On Campus | 4 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

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