Dental Hygiene | Diploma / certificate | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 2 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

Dental hygienists work closely with other members of the dental team. A dental hygienist can carry out treatments such as scaling and polishing, oral health promotion and preventative fissure sealants for both adults and children. Our aim is to educate professional Dental Hygienists eligible for unsupervised clinical practice (under the prescription of a Dentist) integrated within dental teams. Studying at the only dental hospital in Wales you will have the opportunity to serve and manage a diverse group of patients with a wide range of dental disease. Clinical skills are developed in the School’s state of the art clinical skills laboratory, a facility that closely simulates the real clinical experience, allowing you to prepare and practice for patient care. You will have the opportunity to train alongside undergraduate dental therapists, and dentists learning the same skills. This will support your understanding of how your role fits the dental team environment in preparation for when you qualify. You will be taught by a dedicated team of academic clinical staff and consultants within the dental hospital as well as clinical staff working in the primary care environment. The School of Dentistry is located in the University Dental Hospital on Cardiff University’s Heath Park campus, a 53-acre site shared with the University Hospital of Wales. With around 100 undergraduate students per year, we are still a relatively small dental school. We facilitate a friendly and supportive sense of community that helps ensure that our students succeed. As evidence of such the NSS 2017 found that 94% of our students agreed that staff were good at explaining things.

Dental Hygiene | Diploma / certificate | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 2 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

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