Economics/French (4 years) | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 4 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

Our aim at the School of Modern Languages and Cardiff Business School is to educate our students to become ‘global citizens’. By combining French and Economics you will gain a variety of transferable skills and knowledge beneficial to the world of employment, making you competitive and attractive in an increasingly global workforce and opening the doors to a variety of career paths. The four-year degree in French and Economics combines the main elements (modules and teaching) of Economics with the study of French language and culture. The programme will equip you with a thorough grounding in the theory, concepts, principles and techniques of the core subject areas of the discipline: macroeconomics, microeconomics and quantitative analysis. It aims to provide you with knowledge of the workings of the UK economy and the ability to use that knowledge in a range of contexts. It also aims to provide a high level of competence in French and knowledge of the economy of France. We will introduce you to the breadth and depth of economic analysis and offer you the opportunity to acquire knowledge and techniques across a number of specialised areas. Studying Economics provides a rigorous training that can be a useful foundation for future careers. Through the study of French and Economics, the programme encourages a range of transferable discipline-specific and core skills that will be of value to you in future education and in your subsequent careers. As the European Union develops, language skills are becoming increasingly attractive to employers. Studying Economics with French will help to prepare you for a career in Economics by providing you with a sound knowledge of the theories, concepts, principles and techniques of the discipline. The programme will also give you the added advantage of acquiring a language. Each school involved in delivering the degree offers a challenging course of modules, supported by a friendly atmosphere and excellent staff-student re

Economics/French (4 years) | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 4 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

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