German/Music (4 years) | Bachelor's degree | Languages | On Campus | 4 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom
Our aim at the School of Modern Languages and Music is to develop and educate our students to become ‘global citizens’. By combining German and Music you will gain a variety of transferable skills and knowledge beneficial to the world of employment, making you competitive and attractive in an increasingly global workforce and opening the doors to a variety of career paths.
Germany is a major actor on the European and world stage, possessing a rich and sophisticated culture. German is one of the official working languages of the European Union and of the United Nations.
We offer German for both advanced students and beginners. In your first year, in addition to your language tuition, an introduction to German history and culture seeks to provide a solid foundation for more specialised studies as you progress through your course.
Your understanding of the language will be further developed and refined during your year abroad, when you will experience life in a German-speaking country at first hand.
In the final year, you have the opportunity to write a dissertation, which stimulates initiative and can serve as a useful preparation for postgraduate study.
It is important to remember that studying languages is not just about the language itself, it involves exploring many aspects of a country, and we aspire to offer a genuinely broad course that offers challenging and stimulating modules.
Home to the arts, Cardiff is a great location for the study of music in the UK. The city has a professional opera company, Welsh National Opera, and a professional symphony orchestra, the BBC National Orchestra of Wales. The School of Music enjoys a fruitful relationship with both organisations that allows, for instance, our students to attend dress rehearsals and buy cut-price tickets for concerts.
You are expected to have gained or shown evidence of working towards Grade 8 in one or more instruments or voice at the time of your application. You may be considered if you are not