History and Sociology | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

Many students find studying a joint honours program stimulating and rewarding as they are able to observe both similarities and differences between the two subjects. By combining History and Sociology, you will gain a variety of transferable skills and knowledge beneficial for your future. History at Cardiff enables you to learn about the very different worlds of people in the past and to better understand the present. It gives you an insight into processes of change from the ancient world through to the modern period. You may study the history of societies in diverse parts of the globe, including India, China, Germany, France, Russia, Britain and Wales. Above all you will learn to 'do history' yourself and acquire the sorts of skills that employers value. You will learn to think independently, assess the strengths and weaknesses of a body of historical evidence for yourself, and present your findings clearly. Our friendly academic staff will be on hand to guide you and provide full and constructive feedback throughout your studies. Sociology is dedicated to the study of social life as found in groups, institutions and societies. It provides the critical tools for handling the analysis of all aspects of social conduct, from face-to-face interactions to how economic forces shape and are shaped by global society. This course uses a wide range of approaches to help you learn the methods and ideas needed to make your own contribution to understanding and improving society. As a joint honours student, you will find that often there are complementary issues and perspectives that link subjects, be they critical analysis, historical contexts or recent research Distinctive features Modules on offer reflect staff research interests across a range of sociological concerns and approaches, for example education, work and globalisation; urban and everyday life; social media, culture and consumption; health; migration and ethnic relations. The opportunity for you to learn in

History and Sociology | Bachelor's degree | Humanities & Culture | On Campus | 3 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

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