Infection and Immunity (Research) | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

You can conduct your research degree within the Division of Infection & Immunity. Research extends from basic mechanisms of infection and immunology to translation directly impacting diagnosis, management and prevention of disease. The aim is to offer a broad knowledge and expertise in in all aspects of immunological-based disease processes at the molecular and cellular level, with strengths in innate immunity, cancer immunology, T-cell biology and viral and bacterial infection. Centrally supported state of-the-art technology platforms, genomics, Medicine courses continue over proteomics, lipidomics, imaging and flow cytometry with expertise in cell and molecular biology. Distinctive features New and refurbished lab space in the Henry Wellcome and Tenovus Buildings combines state-of-the-art laboratories with shared core facilities for proteomics, genomics, transgenics, flow cytometry, histology and imaging. The Division of Infection and Immunity conducts internationally recognised research in the areas of infection, immunity and inflammation. The long-term objective of this research is to develop or redefine treatment strategies for use in inflammatory disorders, infectious diseases and cancer. Further details can be found on the Division webpages. The following research areas are of particular strength: Complement Biology Inflammation and leukocyte trafficking Biology of leukocytes sub-sets Cytokines and Chemokines T lymphocyte subsets and immune regulation Immunotherapy Arthritis Innate and acquired immunity Viruses and viral immunity Cancer Immunology Lipid Mediators Antibiotic resistance and bacterial infection.

Infection and Immunity (Research) | Master's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

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