International Relations and Globalisation (Research) | Master's degree | Media & Communications | On Campus | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

International Relations and Globalisation is a research area within which you can focus your studies as part of our suite of Politics and International Relations research programs (MPhil, PhD). The School has an exceptionally strong research culture with a strong reputation for the quality of the research produced and the growing number of research grants it is attracting. We have particular strengths in international theory, the history of international thought, territorial politics and European and international security. The School offers supervision across a wide range of research topics, including Africa Climate & Environmental politics EU & European integration European security Europe & the wider world Europeanisation Globalisation Global justice History of international political thought Humanitarian intervention Human rights Identity politics Intercultural communication and conflict International ethics International law International political theory International relations International security Just war Piracy Political economy Territorial politics Terrorism West European politics

International Relations and Globalisation (Research) | Master's degree | Media & Communications | On Campus | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

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