Mathematics/Music | Bachelor's degree | Science | On Campus | 3 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

This Joint Honours degree program enables students to combine the study of Music and Mathematics. The time spent on each subject is effectively equal, enabling you to benefit from developing your musical understanding and skills while studying the fascinating and challenging subject of Mathematics. You will be encouraged to actively pursue your own areas of interest through the highly flexible modular courses. Home to the arts, Cardiff is a great location for the study of music in the UK. The city has a professional opera company, Welsh National Opera, and a professional symphony orchestra, the BBC National Orchestra of Wales. The School of Music enjoys a fruitful relationship with both organisations that allows, for instance, students to attend dress rehearsals and buy cut-price tickets for concerts. You are expected to have gained or shown evidence of working towards Grade 8 in one or more instruments or voice at the time of your application. You may be considered if you are not taking A-level Music but have (or are working towards) Grade 7/8 Theory and are studying appropriate subjects at A-level. Distinctive features Fully-funded instrumental tuition - Your instrumental tuition is fully funded by the School of Music on your principal study instrument if you are studying a Practical Musicianship module. Work placement opportunities - Your Business of Music modules offer a short work placement, composition workshops, performance masterclasses, the University concert series, the John Bird lectures presented by visiting academics, and careers talks providing many opportunities for you to engage with active music professionals. Student support - In addition to having your very own personal Math tutor at the start of the first year, you will also have access to weekly tutorials, supervised computer laboratories and daily drop-in sessions for one-to-one support. The modules shown are an example of the typical curriculum and will be reviewed prior to the 2020/21 aca

Mathematics/Music | Bachelor's degree | Science | On Campus | 3 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

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