Media, Journalism and Culture | Bachelor's degree | Media & Communications | On Campus | 3 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

The overall aim of our Media, Journalism and Culture course is to equip you to become a well-informed citizen in a media-saturated society. Our courses study the many facets of journalism, media, culture and communications, and consider in an era of globalisation and dynamic social change their impact on society, politics and popular culture. They provide you with job-specific skills such as research methods and optionally, journalistic practice as well as much broader transferable skills valuable to a range of sectors. This degree begins from the assumption that in order to understand modern society, we need to understand the central role that media and the cultural industries play in that society. While you will be able to take a limited number of more practical modules, the emphasis of the degree is academic and analytical. You will join a stimulating intellectual environment committed to maximising your potential through personal development and careers events. Many of our experienced lecturers are internationally recognised in their subject areas. While this course is both challenging and academic in nature, it does NOT provide vocational journalism training. Distinctive features The distinctive features of the course include: You will study in a new purpose-built School in the centre of Cardiff's all-new Central Square development. We are located next to national media organisations such as Media Wales and BBC Cymru/Wales. We have been ranked by the Guardian’s University League Table as one of the top five Schools for Journalism and Public Relations in the UK, for the last five years. The modules shown are an example of the typical curriculum and will be reviewed prior to the 2020/21 academic year. The final modules will be published by September.

Media, Journalism and Culture | Bachelor's degree | Media & Communications | On Campus | 3 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

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