Strategic Marketing (Taught) | Master's degree | Business | On Campus | 1 year | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

The MSc in Strategic Marketing is designed to provide you with the foundation for a successful career in marketing. You will study modules which cover the fundamentals of marketing including strategic marketing management, behavioural aspects of marketing, research in strategic marketing, integrated marketing communications, measuring marketing effectiveness, marketing and society, international marketing and digital media marketing. Once you have completed the taught modules you will embark upon a Marketing Project working with a real organisation. The Marketing Project gives you the chance to apply the knowledge and skills gained in the taught modules to address a live marketing issue and to present possible solutions. The course is designed to be relevant to a wide range of students from both developed and developing countries with career aspirations in a wide variety of marketing situations. It provides you with expertise in all aspects of strategic marketing and is excellent preliminary training for those who wish to pursue further research for a PhD with a view to an academic or similar research-orientated career. This degree has been awarded the CIM ‘Graduate Gateway’ status; this accreditation provides our students with an opportunity to gain a module exemption from both the CIM Certificate in Professional Marketing and Diploma in Professional Marketing having only to complete two modules instead of three. The modules shown are an example of the typical curriculum and will be reviewed prior to the academic year. The final modules will be published by September.

Strategic Marketing (Taught) | Master's degree | Business | On Campus | 1 year | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

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