Structural Engineering (Taught) | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 1-3 Years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

This MSc offers you the knowledge and expertise for a career as a consulting structural engineer within this specialist professional area of civil engineering. It is designed to provide specialist postgraduate professional development across the areas of steel, concrete and timber design, structural dynamics, and structural mechanics. It will provide you with a sound scientific, technical and commercial understanding of structural engineering issues and practice, while training you in engineering research methods in order to develop a range of related transferable skills. It will cover the diverse nature of structural engineering through the integration of knowledge from mechanics, materials, structural analysis and structural design. You will gain new advanced level skills in engineering theory and practice related to the management of structural engineering challenges. The modules shown are an example of the typical curriculum and will be reviewed prior to the academic year. The final modules will be published by September.

Structural Engineering (Taught) | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 1-3 Years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

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