Urban Design (Taught) | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 1 year | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

Our MA Urban Design program is jointly delivered by the Welsh School of Architecture and the School of Geography and Planning. The goal of this program is to enable practitioners and scholars to transform the field of urban design through critical thinking and creative practice. Urban design is transdisciplinary, straddling professional fields such as architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning and public policy, and also disciplines such as politics, economics, sociology and cultural studies. The program fully embraces this transdisciplinarity through the theory, research training and design teaching it offers. You will learn from academic staff from both schools who are highly accomplished and locally engaged in Cardiff, nationally in the UK, and internationally across the world. In the context of the design studios, you will also be able to benefit from the input and expertise of leading practitioners. Studio teaching focuses on developing critically informed as well as creative and practical proposals for real sites, addressing important contemporary issues of design and urbanism. The modules shown are an example of the typical curriculum and will be reviewed prior to the academic year. The final modules will be published by September.

Urban Design (Taught) | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 1 year | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

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