Welsh (Research) | Doctorate / PhD | Languages | On Campus | 3-5 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

The research interests of our staff are varied and include the Welsh language, Welsh literature, creative and critical writing as well as the social and international aspects of language planning. The originality and rigour of our research make the School of Welsh at Cardiff a popular choice for those interested in postgraduate study. Program aims To offer knowledge and expertise for a career in language planning, media, government, teaching, management and research. The School provides training and a high level of support, and the postgraduate community makes a vital contribution to the University's international reputation for research. Research can be undertaken through the medium of Welsh or English in any of the following areas: Welsh literature (medieval, renaissance, modern) Literary and critical theory Sociolinguistics (including Patagonia and Ireland) Language planning and policy Religion and popular culture Textual transmission: oral and written Welsh American Studies Second language acquisition/Welsh for adults Creative and Critical Writing The modules shown are an example of the typical curriculum and will be reviewed prior to the academic year. The final modules will be published by September.

Welsh (Research) | Doctorate / PhD | Languages | On Campus | 3-5 years | Cardiff University | United Kingdom

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