The ALBA MBA | MBA | Business | On Campus | 12 months | Alba Graduate Business School, The American College of Greece | Greece

In its two decades-long History, the ALBA MBA has always been a groundbreaking innovator, helping early to mid-career professionals take off their career to upper-level management or create their own ventures. At ALBA MBA the major question that drives are thoughts and actions is how can business leaders create financial and social value in an ever-increasingly paradoxical global environment. Balancing analysis with creativity is the answer and we are dedicated to helping you develop these two lifelong skills that employers want, societies appreciate and that you will definitely enjoy having. Entrepreneurial creativity, enabled by technical competency and leadership skills, is at the core of the ALBA MBA.

The ALBA MBA | MBA | Business | On Campus | 12 months | Alba Graduate Business School, The American College of Greece | Greece

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