Nursing | Bachelor's degree | Health & Well-Being | On Campus | 3.5 years | Centria University of Applied Sciences | Finland
Theory studies are implemented as face-to-face teaching, online courses and independent studies. In addition to Nursing Science-based professional studies, the programme also includes languages, IT, welfare entrepreneurship and other basic studies. Advanced professional studies strengthen the knowledge and skills of nurses in different fields of nursing and medical specialities.
Nurses need to have good social interaction skills as well as management, decision-making and nursing skills. In addition to these competencies, nurses are to be responsible; diligent and accurate in order to ensure patient safety.
The degree programme in Nursing includes 75 credits of supervised practical training, which are carried according to the study objectives, in approved practical placements, either in Finland or abroad. Part of the training takes place in workshops and simulation environments.
The teaching method used in the Degree programme in Nursing is Problem Based Learning (PBL). PBL supports the student’s professional growth by providing them with the capacity for independent research and multidisciplinary cooperation, receiving and providing feedback and by enhancing self-assessment and communication skills. During the third and fourth study year, part of the study courses can also be in Finnish, so students should be able to communicate in Finnish at the end of their studies. Therefore, the Degree programme provides students with expertise to work both in Finland and in an international environment.