Game Design | Bachelor's degree | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 1 year | City of Liverpool College | United Kingdom

This course is a one-year top up from the HND Game Design utilising a range of specialist modules. Contextual and critical studies will inform and underpin your design development and design principles. Professional modules will enable you to develop your time management and organisational skills in game/level creation. Level 6 is focused on skills and portfolio creation to prepare you for employment or self employment. The early stages of the programme will embed advanced 3D modelling, level design, particle effects, in-game interaction and analytical skills into the delivery strategy with theoretical exploration underpinning all technical elements, preparing you for the self directed Final Project. As it is anticipated that a large proportion of graduating students will obtain work in the freelance or self-employment areas, there will be a strong emphasis on supporting business and professional skills through the entrepreneur society. You will gain first-hand experience of what it takes to design successful game content and graduate with a portfolio demonstrating your technical skill and creative talent. The aim of this award is to produce graduates who have the specific skills to work in the games industry as computer games designers (orientating around 3D modellers and level designers). The students’ skills will allow students to work in an environment ranging from creating 3D models to creating industry standard game/level designs and documentation.

Game Design | Bachelor's degree | Computer Science & IT | On Campus | 1 year | City of Liverpool College | United Kingdom

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