MA Fashion Media Strategy | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 1 year | Condé Nast College of Fashion & Design | United Kingdom

The MA Fashion Media Strategy is a unique industry-focused programme that allows you to learn about the commercial, business and strategic aspects of fashion Media along with business management and leadership for Media industries. Drawing on from Condé Nast’s knowledge and expertise, the course delivery is split between taught academic content, practical and technical workshops, independent research as well as masterclasses from leading industry professionals in exploring the creative, commercial and critical dimensions of print, digital and experiential fashion Media. The purpose of the programme is to provide opportunities for you to become an effective practitioner in your chosen field within fashion Media. The course aims to develop key transferable skills in communication, critical thinking, reflection as well as project management in preparing you to innovate and push the boundaries as a fashion storyteller, Media business leader or visual communicator.

MA Fashion Media Strategy | Master's degree | Art & Design | On Campus | 1 year | Condé Nast College of Fashion & Design | United Kingdom

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