AP in Multimedia Design | Associate's degree | Media & Communications | On Campus | 2 years | KEA – Copenhagen School of Design and Technology | Denmark

Multimedia Design is a digital design programme for digital minds with creative ideas. As a student on this programme, you will work with all levels of the digital design process and you will obtain skills within the areas of front-end design and programming, User Experience (UX), content production and business and technology. During your studies, you will be in close contact with the business community and do projects together with different companies and organizations. We focus particularly on innovation and entrepreneurship and cooperate with a wide variety of agencies, companies and cultural organizations. You will also do a ten-week internship during which you will get the chance to test your digital skills in practice either in Denmark or abroad. As a graduate, you will be able to encode and design front-end solutions, develop digital user experiences and create digital design and content. You are likely to get a job as e.g. a front-end designer or a content manger/creator.

AP in Multimedia Design | Associate's degree | Media & Communications | On Campus | 2 years | KEA – Copenhagen School of Design and Technology | Denmark

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