Civil Engineering | Master's degree | Engineering & Technology | On Campus | 1.5 years | Cracow University of Technology | Poland
The professional title of M.Sc. in Engineering is conferred upon the graduate. During the studies student expands the knowledge gained during the 1st cycle studies. This expanded knowledge constitutes the basis for creative professional activity, permanent education and acquiring practical competences in the broadly understood domain of Civil Engineering. The graduates are capable of understanding social, economic, legal and other conditions affecting the engineering activities. They are able to work in a team. The graduate is prepared to work in structural design offices, construction companies, own building enterprises, scientific research institutions and consulting companies, institutions of higher education, building supervision authorities as well as state and local government administration services. During the studies the graduate may complete a pedagogical study, which entitles him to teach in vocational schools. The graduate obtains the basis for applying, after meeting the statutory requirements, for building qualifications to perform independent functions in construction industry.